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6/14/2006 - Segment 1 | views (3644) | comments (1) | add comment
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1 - 061406.MP3
Wed June 14, 2006: The Shallow End of the Gene Pool
Buzz went to a city council meeting, wants a buffer between his house and a public pool
Today's first break tard caller brought to you by The Buzzcast
Phoner with Kirin (?)--some guy who'll let people on the internet make all decisions for him
Unwillingly playing the Name Game with callers
Make Joshua Tree Laugh
Craig Wilson (gay adoption)

2/27/2019 23:59:48 - by Turner
The Kirin guy did actually finish the entire 6 months. However, he was only
awarded 40,000 shares of the company that paid for him to do it. The
shares ended up being only worth 3 cents each, so he made $ 1,200, if he
sold them.

Also, one of the viewers of his site had Kirin stay up for 48
hours straight.

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