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3/31/2000 - Segment 1 | views (6558) | comments (2) | add comment
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3/8/2012 20:08:00 - by D&M Fan
A "Best Of" show -- opens with Mike's story of his evening
with America's House Guest Dennis Murphy, a payoff from a
bet he made with Don about Sammy Sosa vs Mark McGuire. I
don't know what was funnier -- Mike's reluctant hospitality,
Laura's barely veiled revulsion, or Don's unbridled joy at
Mike's discomfort. It's 83 minutes of pure theater. Next,
Don's earth dog brother Jim calls in to speak to Don about
Mom and Dad Source and their latest act of parental love and
devotion. I've said it before and I'll say it again: With
parents like that, it's a miracle those two boys didn't end
up in prison. Dysfunction, thy name is Source!

12/30/2015 01:07:40 - by Diana
Absolutely love this entire segment BUT one complaint. Did NOT
need the soap opera organ music bed beneath Jim's report about
Don's parents. A little at the beginning and end would have
been sufficient. This is an example of how Don occasionally
overdid it with audio and effects. Don's one of those people
who doesn't mind talking over loud distracting noises - this is
one of my biggest pet peeves so it really bugs me when I hear
it. The story is more than dramatic enough, it doesn't need
cheap effects. It's also irritating to listen to both hosts

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