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3/14/2000 - Segment 1 | views (6163) | comments (4) | add comment
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1 - 031400.mp3
Tues Mar 14, 2000: Slap Nuts Funny
Freda wants an apartment in New York
A listener sends Don gifts for his Volvo
Fretting over the LVSS in Wichita
An unpleasant phoner with the Wichita GM
Caller 100 has bad breath, works with a worm named Justin
Kathie C article
Attempted phoner with a guy who is suing Don Rickles
Attempted phoner about drunk midgets who spoiled Disney's Pinoccio

7/27/2012 12:23:07 - by D&M Fan
I wonder whether Don still has the "Volvo Service
Department" sign he receives in this show? Probably not, but
I got a kick out of his initial excitement when he opens the
box of presents sent to him from the Volvo dealer in
Portland, ME. He was less excited about Freyda's
conversation with the life insurance underwriter about how
much insurance coverage she should get to "keep [her] same
lifestyle" and her thoughts on getting an apartment in NYC
(which gives Mike pause, too). I loved the conversation with
Caller 100 a.k.a., "the guy with the bad breath." What a
dullard. A funny (12 years later) conversation between the
Radio Gods about "spam" email and what that really is.
Another funny item in the rear view mirror -- Don is
outraged that gas in Maryland is selling for $2.23 a gallon.
What a difference twelve years and a Middle East war makes,
right? Makes me wish that I really did have a TIME MASHEEN!

2/11/2014 08:32:54 - by long-time listener
About price of gas being $2.23/gallon back then -- what a difference having a crummy president (OBAMA) makes!

Price of gas when Bush left office: $1.78/gallon.
Price of gas today -- after 5 years of Obama -- $3.35/gallon. (I just filled up this morning.)

Take that, Buzz.

4/1/2020 20:32:49 - by Big Daddy Dan Wilkinson
Absolutely amazing episode from front to back. Boys firing on all cylinders in this one.

7/7/2021 11:13:50 - by Carrie A
Larry King breakfast riff at 2:31:00

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