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2/25/2000 - Segment 1 | views (6256) | comments (2) | add comment
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1 - 022500.mp3
Fri Feb 25, 2000: Show Me the Trophies
Pimping Don's fantasy stock game
Regis & Kathie C and Letterman recap
Charlie Stossel
Meet Toya, the new phone screener
Pick the Pros with Rudy Martzke

7/22/2012 12:21:40 - by D&M Fan
Kathie Lee Gifford is a joke, as was her appearance as
Letterman's guest host, a show that our Radio Gods dissect
in WAY too much detail. Don sums up my feelings about KLG's
"song" perfectly in this sentence, "This is what it's like
when you go into Hell. You walk into a room with a big
screen TV and this is what is on." I'd only add that theater
#2 in Hell is showing an endless loop of Will Farrell and
Medea/Tyler Perry comedies... Charlie Stossel reviews
"Wonder Boys" (which I quite liked, but Charlie quite
didn't) and "Reindeer Games". Rudy Martzke never fails to
entertain (as does Robb when he offers editorial comments
off-mic. It's a "show within the show"). Today he offers his
overview of the impending shake-up in the on-air teams for
Monday Night Football, The NFL on CBS and Fox NFL Sunday.
Plus, he reveals an interesting tidbit about the Al
Michaels/Boomer Esiason relationship (not a warm one).
Finally, Freyda reveals the REAL reason why she's so excited
about the show's upcoming New York debut: she an her gal
pals will be able to go shopping and see Broadway shows.
Man, I miss that lady!

3/20/2019 13:12:36 - by DebbieDowner
Segment was unfortunately sliced out where new D&M phone screener
Toya takes the mandatory sex quiz.

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