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2/23/2000 - Segment 1 | views (6259) | comments (3) | add comment
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1 - 022300.mp3
Wed Feb 23, 2000: Parakeet: It's What's for Dinner
Pimping the WNEW move next week
Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire recap
Rosie O'Donnell's grammy monologue
Paul Walton, almost the Millionaire
Phoner with J. J. McKay, Portland general manager
SI swimsuit issue vs. actual porn
Advice on what to do about a listener's bird
Russians enjoy the anal love
Tabloid article about Regis's womanizing

8/24/2012 10:21:59 - by D&M Fan
I laughed out loud when Don was talking about what a loser
network FOX was (back in 2000); I think that crown is now
by TLC, which has turned into the freak show network. But
at the turn of this century, FOX was the network that would
offer such fine programming as, "When Animals Attack!" and
"Unmasking the Magicians' Secrets" and, of course, "Joe
Millionaire." In this episode, D&M focus on this original
sleezefest -- "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire?" and the
former stand-up comic who claimed to be a millionaire on the
show. Wonder where Rick Rockwell is today?

8/24/2012 11:01:03 - by D&M Fan
I forgot to mention the most disturbing seven minutes of this
episode. No, it's not the tabloid article about Regis
Philbin's sexual exploits. It's the "Prison Sex Quiz",
submitted by nice young man currently serving his debt to
society. Funny, but disturbing.

7/18/2013 00:56:00 - by dirty petey
LOL. The "Russians enjoy the anal love" refers to a hillarious call-in
where this russian woman is driving in the car with her kid in the back
seat telling Don and Mike how much she loves the show. Meanwhile
Don and Mike are just trying to do schtick about Russian people, and
out of nowhere she just starts talking about her love of anal sex

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