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2/18/2000 - Segment 1 | views (7666) | comments (6) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 2/18/2000:
1 - 021800.mp3
Fri Feb 18, 2000: I Wanna Be Hugh Grant
Story Time
Announcing the tape-delay plan for WNEW
The Daytona 500 was a bore
David Letterman recap
Pimping for the Maxim article photos
Rudy Martzke takes the sex quiz
Charlie Stossel takes the sex quiz

7/10/2012 09:18:43 - by D&M Fan
Rudy Martzke is a freak. That's all I'm saying...We'll never
know whether or not Hannah Storm is a freak, since that part
of the show is missing. Charlie Stossel always makes me laugh
-- whether he's reacting to an inmate's love letter, enjoying
Mike's Robert Goulet impression or taking the sex quiz. Great
guy. This week's film reviewes include "Boiler Room", "Hanging
Up", "Pitch Black" and "The Whole Nine Yards." Plus, Jerry
Lewis hates female comedians.

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5/14/2018 17:24:56 - by mcfadone
Hi David, Sounds good send us your number. Thanks, Mike

5/14/2018 17:48:41 - by Not Jingle Boy
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acquiring new customers" and all the ships
at sea, if you could show me how it's
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5/14/2018 20:51:54 - by Fish
Pleased to be explaining how you monetize
your own tool.

5/15/2018 00:34:49 - by K. Stevens
Sounds like a great opportunity. Please call me at 1-732-631-6969.

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