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2/11/2000 - Segment 1 | views (6462) | comments (2) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 2/11/2000:
1 - 021100.mp3
Fri Feb 11, 2000: Bid Low, It's for Charity
Trying to buy Valentine's gifts for wives
Don comes up with a killer package to auction off for his kid's school; gets blown out by the other parents
Urban legends book by Richard Roeper
Charlie Stossel's date with Kate recap
Guess the secret celebrity laugh with Jim Nance
Regis (Mike) has a phoner with the stars of Adam 12

7/21/2012 11:57:59 - by D&M Fan
I absolutely love Urban Legends. And thanks to Al Gore's
greatest invention, the Internet, not a day goes by without
hearing another one. This show demonstrates that some Urban
Legends never die, since the guys discuss two that are still
circulating today: death on the set of the "Wizard of Oz"
and during the taping of the background audio of the 1970s
hit "Rollercoaster." I also love Jim Nantz -- have for years
-- and this show gives us an opportunity to see a side of
Jim Nantz rarely revealed to the general public: his
dickishness. Listen to the segment where he "helps" the
caller guess the celebrity laugh and tell me that he isn't
loving every minute of screwing the poor woman out of her
prize. Charlie Stossel stops by to rate (but not review)
"Snow Day", "The Beach" and "Tigger Movie" -- another banner
week for Hollywood!

3/18/2019 13:14:15 - by DebbieDowner
Third clue given out for secret celebrity laugh #3. More buildup for the
Monday show, the hot tub giveaway to bikini girl that can hold the longest
kiss with Dennis Murphy, but sadly the Monday show is not in the archives.

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