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2/10/2000 - Segment 1 | views (6175) | comments (1) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 2/10/2000:
1 - 021000.mp3
Thurs Feb 10, 2000: They Can Fit Through a Hole the Size of a Dime
A call from Dennis Murphy's dentist
Pimping for the Dennis Murphy Challenge
Ratings party recap
Hackers break into major websites
A seriously gross story
Goofin' on Jack Diamond, my friend
Buzz claims the hypnotism on Tuesday was faked (by Buzz)
"What Counts" quizzes

7/20/2012 20:22:59 - by D&M Fan
In listening to this show, you have to wonder what the Radio
Gods ever did to piss off the Washington Post because
despite MONSTER ratings, the acknowledgement from the WaPo's
radio columnist (a role that, ironically, has gone the way
of the buggy whip over the 12 years since this show aired)
is tepid at best. Too bad Mike skipped out on the ratings
party -- he missed getting a boozy kiss from the lovely Mrs.
Burbank. But Don represented for the show. And there was no
tongue. And Freyda felt up Buzz's pectoral muscles. Sounds
like a heck of a party to me. As for our friend Buzzito, or
as Don calls him today "New Buzz", I don't believe he faked
his hypnotism. But I do believe it's possible he was aware
enough to tweak it up for the entertainment factor. One more
entertaining item from the quizzes at the end of the show:
According to men, the average length of an American man's
erect penis is 10 inches; according to women, the average
length is 4 inches. And they say men don't exaggerate...

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