Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 020200.mp3
2/2/2000 - Segment 1 | views (6240) | comments (1) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 2/2/2000:
1 - 020200.mp3
Wed Feb 2, 2000: Moon Over Fairfax
Gordon Liddy gives tips on the upcoming paint-ball game
Freda cleans up Don's closet and Bat Cave
Afternoon talk show roundup
Celebrity homes
Will Smith's new song Freakin' It
News scan
Making a greetings videotape for Infinity

7/7/2012 18:43:17 - by D&M Fan
Rae Lewis has effed up the promotion for this evening's Las
Vegas style show in Baltimore -- all the coverage of his
murder charge have preempted the show on the Baltimore
affiliate and Don is not happy. Mike is not happy that,
after all the prep he did for his colonoscopy, the horrible
traffic to get to the hospital and the hassle he got from
the hospital staff, he realizes that he has shown up ONE
MONTH EARLY for his procedure. Doh! Fascinating discussion
(12 years later) about a new study linking oral sex with the
transmission of AIDS. Some "Millionaire" and Regis talk,
then a great original song about Mike's scope procedure set
to the theme from the "Mary Tyler Moore Show" performed by
"Mike's Guy" and Don's prediction that a Mary and Rhoda
reunion show would be a flop has, sadly, come true. Finally,
a call to Kevin James on the "King of Queens" set to
congratulate him on the great ratings and to beg for an
invitation to appear in an upcoming taping. Oh, and did you
know that the canned laugh track used in CBS sitcoms is the
same audio they have used since the 1960s? You didn't? Well,
HEAD did! Thank you, Robb.

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