Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 1999 Podcasts > 101999.mp3
10/19/1999 - Segment 1 | views (6017) | comments (5) | add comment
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7/28/2013 16:59:56 - by Ass Hat
If you ever find yourself watching a certain re-run of
The Queen of Kings and have your eyes irresistibly drawn to
the two striking gentlemen enjoying a beer in the background
at Cooper's, never fear and no homo, it's the radio gods Don
and Mike! Live from the set, get an inside view of Hollywood
magic making in this episode. Enjoy our boys as they "steal
the scene," Leah Remeni's own words, and get great
interviews with the cast during breaks in the shooting. Of
course, they're pros...look it up in the book.
Later, Don learns a lesson about not insulting famous
singer's wives when drunk. Then, the last bastion of sanity
in a crazy world, women, can no longer fight the siren song
that is the Secret Sound challenge. A Helen Hunt look-alike
puts up her hair for a chance to guess. Adventures with
Brandy the dog who is years away from her Major Bill wait a cotton-pickin' minute!

6/23/2015 19:48:13 - by TheGrooveRoom
I have that episode of KOFQ. Taped it the night it aired. In the process of digitizing it for our beloved admin guy, Mcfadone.

7/3/2015 08:39:01 - by mcfadone
Thanks TheGrooveRoom!

8/13/2016 18:18:59 - by Don and Mile My Brothers
anyone have an episode name? wanna catch it... saw it at the time live, but that was many moons ago, and brain cells ;))
thanks as always mcfadone, love you for keeping the dream alive

8/19/2018 17:18:47 - by Brettbutlerisok
After the on set play-by-play, this is
truly a great edition of the Don and Mike

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