Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2004 Podcasts > 111604.mp3
11/16/2004 - Segment 1 | views (5078) | comments (4) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 11/16/2004:
1 - 111604.mp3
Tues Nov 16, 2004: Old Wooden Head
Don's teeth hurt from eating wood
Joe's bloody lip recap
The UFO lady's $100 Texas sheet cake arrives
Fantasy Football standings: Bart 7-3; John, BA, Don 6-4; Buzz 5-5;
Mike 4-6; Robb & Joe 3-7
The saga of earthdog brother Jim's train wreck continues
Phoner with the Jones Soda Company who make turkey dinner sodas
My little mound of buttered mashed-potatoes
News and phone scan
Phoner with Phil Keegan, host of "The Amazing Race"

11/17/2020 05:22:08 - by Dobson
At 1:47 Mike puts on a mask to avoid catching a virus... Mike
was years ahead of everybody.

5/13/2021 01:29:44 - by Jim Whitney
Yeah he's my guy when it comes to health. Wears a mask after
drinking all night and stuffing his face with processed
foods. He's my go-to guy.

5/13/2021 04:22:54 - by Patrick
I agree with you Jim. Why does everyone
love Don and Mike, but individually hate
the golden boy ? I think it is because Don
controlled so much of the final product
and as we have gotten to know the true
Mike and especially Robb, we discovered
they are not so grand.

5/24/2021 20:14:21 - by Ching-Chong Potato
Have you heard Mike's podcast? C'est la merde!!!!!!!

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