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5/19/2004 - Segment 1 | views (4867) | comments (2) | add comment
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1 - 051904.mp3
Wed May 19, 2004: Emperor Penguins, Perhaps
Bad jokes -- can sick kids be far behind?
Office Space
News scan
Phoner with Jingles the Clown, about a clown shortage
They Just Won't Listen

5/26/2015 12:28:25 - by D&M Fan
On the positive side, Mike smells better today, no BO. On
the negative side, the Radio Gods have earned a
reputation for being difficult around the station (go
figure) and new interns are warned away. Other items of
note in this show: Don reads the list of new NBC, CBS and
ABC shows from the network up-fronts (I could be wrong,
but the only ones that became hits were "The Office,"
"The Medium," "CSI: New York," "Desperate Housewives" and
"Lost"); David Letterman's reaction to Tony Randall's
recent death; and the continued march of Hawaiian Jasmine
Trias (I know, "Who?") on American Idol.

11/13/2015 21:10:42 - by Fish
Sometimes a show just doesnt come together like it may have penciled out.

All the banter about "lets move our office" and The list of shows was boring. Just wasnt a very engaging show. And "They just wont listen" seems like a good idea, it just sort of falls flat, there isnt any participation from the person receiving the message. Add to that Don kinda stammers sometimes when he's add libbing, kinda loses steam.

much like "dont call me chief" last week, one of those quirky radio games that more than likely will not return.

Getting close to Beth Ann joining the show, I remember the Beth Ann administration. I CANT WAIT!

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