Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2004 Podcasts > 051004.mp3
5/10/2004 - Segment 1 | views (6560) | comments (4) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 5/10/2004:
1 - 051004.mp3
Mon May 10, 2004: Ma-Mo's Day
Freda says the perfect house to move to is next door to Robb
Bart doesn't do anything for Ma-mo's day
Don sweats possible credit card fraud when he orders flowers
Sopranos recap
Don asks for his birth-parents to call him--will buy them a car
D&M ask for calls from people who didn't call their ma-mo yesterday
Survivor recap
Teasing Lay King's new book
Mike's mama-san at the Japanese steak house
News scan
Phoner with some huge Big Al Yankovic fan who thinks Big Al needs a star
on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
Phone scan / Disney Radio

5/12/2015 10:49:16 - by D&M Fan
Some Weird Al Yankovic fun facts from the mega fan
interviewed by D&M during today's show:

* Weird Al is still alive
* He's been in the business 24 years
* He is married
* He IS weird
* He smells great; he wears deodorant
* He wears a size 10 1/2 shoe
* He has a 30-inch waist
* He started playing the accordion at age 7
* He has a firm handshake
* His nickname "Al" is short for Alfred
* His middle name is "Matthew"
* His wife's name is Suzanne

Yet another example of why the Radio Gods are the best
interviewers on the air. I sure hope that Weird Al has a
star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame by now...

5/12/2015 11:10:35 - by D&M Fan
Oh, and for everyone who is keeping track, according to
Mike, "As far as I know, [Hershey the pony] is still

9/14/2019 10:58:23 - by Patrick
Engineer Wendall Hall was reportedly past.

Surprised weird al was on show considering
the jokes Don made about their death. Big
Don and Mike fan, but the jokes were over
line. But Don got to feel Al's pain when
Freda died suddenly

9/14/2019 11:00:41 - by Patrick
* weird al super fan

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