Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2004 Podcasts > 012804.mp3
1/28/2004 - Segment 1 | views (5392) | comments (1) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 1/28/2004:
1 - 012804.mp3
Wed Jan 28, 2004: Stay Tuned for Mike's Famous Cheesestick Recipe
Best-of: Freda's bad-DJ tape and debacle
Mike's plea to remove the snow off motor vehicles
Incest story winner is chosen
Don's frozen Slim-Fast
News scan: includes Jerry Lewis's rehab for Prednisone
Mystery Don & Mike Theater 3000 (Syphallis documentary)
Phone scan
Triumph the Insult Comic Dog and American Idol tryouts
Two for the Road phoner with Wilson Footballs (as Nipple & Anus, even
though they don't use the names)
The three words that strike fear into the hearts of mortal men

1/30/2014 09:58:02 - by D&M Fan
Three words: "Honk. For. Cash." It's America's favorite train
wreck and it's impossible to avert your eyes from the
carnage. Another highlight of this show is the segment where
Don reads the finalists in the incest story contest and how
incredibly weirded out Mike gets during the readings. (Buzz,
of course, is turned on by all of it.) Finally, kudos to the
lady from Wilson (the company that makes NFL regulation
footballs) who gets through the Don and Mike interview
without losing her good mood.

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