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10/10/1986 - Segment 1 | views (7489) | comments (7) | add comment
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1 - 101086.mp3
Fri October 10, 1986: Boob-a-Lube
(Breaks from the WAVA era when they were the Morning Zoo)
Calling a DJ at a local country station
Phoner with Freda about the upcoming trip to Dallas
Eat My Shorts Hotline game
David Haynes and the news
Pick C Quiz to win a trip to Dallas
Phoner with some guy who runs a topless oil-change service
David Haynes and the news and Kim Anderson with traffic
Phoner to Dallas DJs for Redskins/Cowboys trash talk, with Dexter Manley
Pick the Pros with Don's adopted mother Fran

1/3/2012 15:29:12 - by D&M Fan
It's hard to believe that these two had worked together for less than 12 months when this show was recorded; their timing and chemistry is unmistakable. No wonder they stayed together for more than 20 years.

I particularly enjoyed the old radio commercials, and the 1980s music included in this clip. And is there anything better than hearing Dexter Manley talk trash with a loudmouth Cowboys fan?

It was a bit jarring to hear the call from Don's mother (Fran), given what happens later in their relationship. But it's nice to know that they did get along at one time.

1/4/2012 11:17:09 - by mcfadone
eat my shorts!

6/10/2014 11:27:01 - by pybs
webmaster - testing...

6/28/2015 09:41:58 - by GC
Wow! This takes me back. I started listening to Don and
Mike right about this time. I got up at 6 every morning
just to listen. This is a great example of when DJs were
king and Top 40 still ruled the airwaves. The digital age
is great in so many ways, but I do miss this.

4/15/2017 22:59:27 - by Ass Hat
Hmm, do you think we were headed to the summit of combining boobies
and other things with this one? By 2000, thankfully, this concept had
peaked along with the Nasdaq. Boobies are meant to be given ones full
attention. In private. With permission to touch. You know, how the good
Lord intended.

10/2/2018 13:44:39 - by Kisersolzi
Sooooo good. This makes my day every time, and brings a smile to mug, and give me that warm fuzzy feeling!!! Thanks so much guys....Radio gods indeed!!

10/2/2018 13:44:57 - by Kisersolzi
Sooooo good. This makes my day every time, and brings a smile to mug, and give me that warm fuzzy feeling!!! Thanks so much guys....Radio gods indeed!!

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