Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 1985 Podcasts > 071085 Don Only.mp3
7/10/1985 - Segment 1 | views (14381) | comments (17) | add comment
071085 Don Only.mp3
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1 - 071085 Don Only.mp3
Wed Jul 10, 1985: Same Songs, Different Order
(a portion of The Don Geronimo Show on WAVA)
In between songs and commercials from 1985:
Flirting with Kim Anderson
Calling Freda to deny an affair with Kim
Karaoke with Billy Reed (aka Charles Broyhill)

8/11/2011 16:02:32 - by Jeff

10/9/2011 18:09:14 - by Andy
This is amazing...

1/3/2012 13:53:44 - by D&M Fan
I miss the music of the 1980s! A great clip of Don "BM" (Before Mike).

4/20/2012 17:55:40 - by Kent
Weird hearing Don tell Freda to drive safely: Almost 20 yrs later to the day
Freda was killed in a car accident.

7/27/2013 16:00:34 - by Ass Hat
This is proof for anyone ever doubting Donnie's DeeJay
background. It's like being at a Legwarmers concert with Don
as the MC. You get the sexiest traffic reports you've ever
heard. Don agrees to Freda's chagrin. It's funny how DC
traffic is the only thing that hasn't changed in a generation.
Start you journey right here and witness
the evolution of radio genius.

12/25/2013 12:41:28 - by Scooter
Wow...this brings back so many memories! This was a few months before
my family moved to AA County and I started listening. Even more amazing
is the Promo for my favorite album of all time from my favorite band, Tears
for Fears: "Just $4.99 cassette or record!" And to have Freda, Kim
"Boomer" Anderson....amazing.

All nostalgia aside, this demonstrates why Don very well may have been
one of the greatest music deejays of all time. Truly a legend, and sadly he's
a master of a rapidly vanishing art.

7/5/2014 13:36:57 - by Mike
Cash call....over 18K? that is what you a contest!
Now a days, only $500 or $1000 is given out locally (I still
live in the DC area). Sometimes, a nationwide contest will
fetch $5K.

7/29/2016 18:20:07 - by mcfadone
testing comments

7/29/2016 18:22:14 - by mcfadone
testing comments

8/3/2016 09:43:05 - by issues
JR's Good Time Chili Dogs!

8/14/2016 17:00:40 - by mcfadone
testing comments again - damn hackers

7/19/2017 16:27:14 - by Bill C.
Thank you for Paint your bald spot.
Just found it.

7/16/2018 14:24:46 - by tamnosbig
Date on this clip is July 10 but there's a Rosenfield
dealership spot utilizing a Christmas theme; Christmas in

9/20/2018 13:13:07 - by Vuloidar Yug
I LOVE this retro...makes me feel nostalgic and warm...reminds me of a time when things were just different the our worlds. May God really bless you for making this possible.


7/25/2020 01:26:00 - by Carrie A
Is that Buzz doing the Bennigan’s commercial 10 minutes in?

9/18/2021 09:01:17 - by Bob
Don Geronimo is coming back to Washington D.C. Starting Thursday September 23, Don will be doing mornings on Big100.3. It will be awesome to hear him live on the radio again.

9/21/2021 05:02:53 - by Patrick
You are correct Bob, I can't wait!!

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