Mike, ive been noticing some bad files and what not. First I thought I was on my end, now not so much.
This episode for instance, file name 111805.mp3 is unplayable or "corrupt". just curious if this is known as there are two different recordings. Ive gone back to my archive and re downloaded yours and sure nuff both are inop.
As I was listening along through 05, from the basement of the science building. I notices a cluster of episodes, such as this one. There are two files for the day, hyphenated and non (11-18-05 vs 111805). The hyphenated episodes are a short, 25-45 min block of the show. The non have been a full length episode. The pattern for a few weeks of episodes has been that the full episodes were not playable.
with that, I had already gone through and renamed the files so they played each set on after the other anyway, so on my shuffle it would skip the bunk file and auto play the next short file. As Donni G would say, "internet creep".