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8/16/2005 - Segment 1 | views (13635) | comments (12) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 8/16/2005:
1 - 081605.mp3
Tues Aug 16, 2005: Honk if You Like Vigorous Desk Bender
Don gets a motivational phone call from an anonymous NFL star
The long-delayed intervention between Mike and BA
Buzz's camping trip--there's a hair in my smore
The two guys who cheated and won the Neil Diamond concert tix, are outside the studio to wear the sandwich boards that say "I am a Registered Sex Offender"
News scan, and another idiot caller
The songs that Bill Clinton really wanted on his CD
Wed Aug 16, 2005: Rumors
Rainy day drivers
Mike looks over the 12 steps of AA
Bad voice directions for your GPS
Teasing bowling
Moron the lawyer who tried setting him up with a widow
DCRTV mailbag
Buzz Makes the Gay Sex Call for You
Elvis2Elvis (Elvis tribute artists)

1/19/2011 13:09:47 - by Farfalotus of the Blowhole
Yeah, this is Geronimo's slide. These older podcasts really highlight the change from before Freda's passing. He goes from just being a shock-jock to a complete ass tard.

1/29/2011 10:46:32 - by Jarts!
Umm, no. Rather this was more the slide of ass tard listeners, pummeling a stricken man. The show may have gone on brilliantly for another decade, but for these dipshits.

4/23/2011 16:35:23 - by Scatter The Monkey
Never before heard Elvis Death Day material! Including sexual situations
with animals. It will fascinate you.

6/14/2011 23:40:59 - by Rock JoeHead
How DARE you criticize Source's performance, at this nightmare stage of his life Fartfalotus!
I vote his (Fartfalotus) IP address be PERMANENTLY banned from any further comments on this site!
I hope your mother is raped by a gang of extremist Muslims!
You P.O.S.!

10/8/2011 21:29:38 - by Farfalotus of the Blowhole
Replying to a comment 5 months previous is about as retarded
as... replying to a comment 4 months previous. Well,
Anyway, it was my opinion, Hoss. I started listening in '06
and never knew there was another side to Geronimo until this
site. Now I can listen to older and newer and it is my
opinion that Geronimo milked his wife's demise up until the
very end. He mentions is more than one show about wanting to
take time off, wanting to "grieve" and to how he just had to
suck it up and take just more and more vacation and pay from
CBS. Poor baby. And then the utter hypocrisy of his "final"
show. Leaving radio. Taking a year off to grieve. Getting
his head straight. He was on in Ocean City, MD within 2
months. This is not a man recovering from a nightmare stage
of his life. This is a man who feels little to nothing for
anything he doesn't own - including people - and will use
feelings and bullying tactics and sympathy the way I use
tl;dr Guy's an ass and pretty bad at masking it.
P.S. Thanks for the comment about my mother! Way to couch
the muslim jab in there too! U-S-A! U-S-A!

10/28/2011 18:05:53 - by Fan since WAVA
Well you'd just admitted not to know anything of Don
Geronimo/Mike Source other than his site and of listening to
his post-Freda broadcasts, so I'd say you've shot your
entire credibility right there.

Freda was part of the show since the beginning of Don and
Mike, in 1985. They had some pretty convincingly real
fights on the air which provided many afternoons of material
for them in the '90s, and it's pretty safe to say that any
fan who says they weren't at all entertained by the way they
filled the hours of the show with these quarrels is lying.

These weren't like the white trash issues between Howard
Stern and his ex-wife. Maybe some here could refresh what
they were actually about exactly, but I just remember the
dispute being mutually aggravating to both spouses -- the
kind that you'd expect between best friends.

This is the best I can describe what Freda meant to Don's
life, and therefore the show, without boring you to death.
Just listen to the '90s broadcasts and his grieving should
make more sense. That's the era I can vouch for because I'd
moved and missed out on the early 2000s.

Do you even know about Don's life? Being adopted? His
abusive father, leading Don to work for the Children's
Hospital charity for the Don and Mike Bowls? His disastrous
first marriage, and his daughter from that who wouldn't talk
to him until she got married? Mike was married probably
four times by the time Don quit (feel free to correct me,
anyone -- on any of this -- this is just off the top of my
head). I don't think Don was even looking to remarry after
Freda died.

In conclusion, I can see where you're coming from, though
where you're coming from is a pathetically narrow view. If
you look at how Don Geronimo/Mike Source's life had
transformed in the time he'd known Freda, not to mention how
her role in his life was so pervasive that we all now know
about it through the show.. and then to have her die so
suddenly and tragically like that, then you would probably
change your opinion.

3/18/2016 13:25:31 - by Tom McTardo
I need AN ANIMAL!!!

8/16/2016 04:50:49 - by Wiley Brockton
They only thing that I thought was weird after Freda was how
far Don went to say - "there's my radio persona and then
there's Mike Sorce." I thought that was kind of "Lake Me"
of Geronimo. But, he had to do it, because otherwise, he
(his radio character) could've possibly always been
remembered as "that jerk dj that was always an asshole to
his wife."

8/31/2016 20:33:46 - by Zeta
Its obvious to tell that don was 2parts with 1 being his
wife. She was always a part of him and he a part of her.
She handled everything he couldnt or didnt, losing that
would be like loosing your hands or your ability to walk.
As he was trying to cope there would be idiots like the
ones that mailed shit to his house or posted his address

5/4/2019 16:18:44 - by fudgicle2019
Not to deflect from those insane phone calls for Don but,
what happened to the "Mike, B.A. intervention"? It's in
the description but not anywhere on the clip. Did I miss
it? Was looking forward to hearing it again. I always
found the tension between those two strange but
interesting. And any long time listener knows that Mike
wasn't being paranoid or overly sensitive when he
complained that she constantly talked while Mike was
talking - you could pull a dozen examples from the old
tapes. It was almost like she couldn't help it. I know a
lot of people have this bad habit but I never noticed her
doing it with anyone but Mike. Really strange.

5/8/2019 15:57:21 - by Rob S.
" could pull a dozen examples from the old

You can doctor tapes.

6/2/2019 09:12:09 - by BJ
Measkyasumthin. Wuddya care!? My hair grows suh!

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