Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2004 Podcasts > 020304 - That's Bullshit.mp3
2/3/2004 - Segment 1 | views (9268) | comments (4) | add comment
020304 - That's Bullshit.mp3
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1 - 020304 - That's Bullshit.mp3
Tues, Feb 3, 2004: der Scheiß, I Say to You. der Scheiß !
Best-of: Top 10 things the Second Mrs. O'Meara hates about Mike
Dr. Phibes defends his blown Super Bowl pick
Don tries to destroy the musical Sopranos advertisement
News Scan
Anus in the Morning's double standard, aka "Bullshit"
Phone scan and more delay problems
Phoner with some kraut, why is David Hasselhoff popular in Germany?
Michael Hunt P.A. Game

3/10/2011 10:19:47 - by That's BS

7/30/2013 09:00:45 - by Andy Howard
1hr 46m is when he starts into it

7/30/2013 09:11:10 - by Andy Howard
Sadly a simple apology was not enough:

On February 3, 2004, a pair of expletives ("bullshit"--twice,
and "masturbation") spoken by Geronimo was not censored by the
usual delay, resulting in a shakeup of the show. The show was
subsequently suspended for two weeks. When they returned on
February 20, 2004, their first show included four consecutive
hours of music.

8/2/2015 14:23:35 - by Fish
Im not sure if its a different version of the file or not but.

what im listening to the "bullshit" occurs twice, at 02h14m12s

followed by "masturbation"

they assume they have been delayed by someone above the studio. Then around 3hr35m50s a caller on the phone scan reveals that the two "bullshit"s got out, Buzz confirms this and when they press the caller further a mucky muck hits the delay due to drawing attention to the error.

brudder, day got dat language I like so bad.

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