Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2003 Podcasts > 021203.mp3
2/12/2003 - Segment 1 | views (7031) | comments (8) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 2/12/2003:
1 - 021203.mp3
Wed February 12, 2003: They Went to Public School
Best-of: Pimping for the NudeWedding, Lou ("The Incredible Hulk") Ferigno in-studio, NudeWedding continues
Crappy studio equipment/Code Orange
Loser from Seattle
Bad caller/pranks
Patty Heaton article
Bart's girlfriend at the movies

2/17/2011 13:04:13 - by Jables
Michael Hughes comes in the studio, "24" discussion, loser Chris from Seattle calls in and Don tries to convince him to off himself then get him a job, Don reads a Patricia Heaton article and illustrates how much of a bitch she is. Tom Gavin calls in and talks to Satan. News and comments.

11/17/2016 13:52:05 - by I'll Drink to That
Do yourself a favor and hear the Patricia Ceaton sex quiz before hearing
this episode. (11/27/2000 - Segment 1) Classic!!

11/19/2016 12:01:02 - by Fish
off topic but...

whats everyone use to listen to the archive?

listen in the car, at work, phone? just curious

11/22/2016 18:40:41 - by goons
i put them on my mp3 player and listen to them all over

11/23/2016 00:08:42 - by I'll Drink to That
I listen in the car (streaming from the website via phone),
at work (streaming the website), and at home (via the
website to a bluetooth speaker).

I recently started at the beginning of '03 and I'm going
right until the end. 03' is when I found them on the radio.
Currently on 02/22/03.

Man, this was to me, the golden age of radio.

12/9/2016 11:49:39 - by D&MfaninLA
Started listening to D&M in the mid 90's as soon as a local station started carrying them. I found a way to listen to nearly every episode.

Now, I listen mostly at work. This site is truly a Godsend.

Their show was one of the all-time greats, radio or TV. I miss them terribly.

12/11/2016 14:47:57 - by Fish
I load about 6 months at a time on my phone and listen via
Mort audio player. Mostly while driving. Often times I'll do
yard work with ear buds and put ear muffs over the buds.

Mort audio player is kinda out dated but it remembers the
point of any file where you paused. So it's always where I
left off. It can also book mark time in the file. Like
whenever Marion Barry shows up ;)

6/24/2021 17:18:51 - by Patrick
I listen alone in my hovel of apartment,
as I slowly loose grip on my mental
stability... Since 2017 I think I have
listened to the entire catalog 3 times. I
down load them. There have been days or
weeks were nothing had made smile or
laugh, but throwing on a old Don and Mike
show always does. Amazingly the show
doesn't seem dated. In 2021 we are still
talking j-lo ben Affleck

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