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1/8/2003 - Segment 1 | views (9740) | comments (7) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 1/8/2003:
1 - 010803.mp3
Wed January 8, 2003: The Reluctant Joe Millionaire
Bestof: Actors' egos.
Live: It's Elvis's birthday
Don's run-in with the new neighbors at the beach
Late Christmas gift (porn) for a needy wife
Joe Ardinger Millionaire controversy continues
Elvis-to-Elvis calls phone ho's
In-studio George Forman interview (no sex quiz)
Telecon with Swedish Elvis impersonator goes badly
Elvis trivia (contents of Elvis's stomach at death, weight on different planets, drug consumption, eating habits)
Craig Wilson

1/28/2011 12:43:38 - by Jables
Road rage opener, a charitable donation of sex toys post-Christmas, Elvis Birthday show sex-line phone call, the amazing George Foreman in studio, horrible phoner with the sleepy Elvis impersonator Elart Pilarm, a great Craig Wilson reading, Great news with Elizibeth Taylor farting uncontrollably.

4/3/2011 17:42:48 - by snowman
the swedish elvis interview is marvelous.

12/23/2015 12:37:52 - by Ryan
Does anyone know the name and artist of the song at the 42 minute mark
when they were coming back from commercial?

1/8/2017 11:21:43 - by ByTheRoots!
It's Elvis' Birthday today (Jan. 8th) and this show is a terrific way to celebrate and commemorate the day the KING was born! It also happens to be one of the only times Don and Mike were able to celebrate on Elvis' actual birthday on this site , so pull up a cherry pie , grab some Ritalin , some cough syrup , and ENJOY!!!!!!

1/11/2017 14:36:53 - by Fish
I missed it, Jack

I'll be sure to kick up my sooties this
evening and belly up to a big bowl of itty
treene with my cotton panties and give
this a listen.

Welcome to my world... Leave your cares

1/11/2017 22:08:40 - by ByTheRoots!
oh man , jack !,....... this is great news man......
gas up the jet , Jack , lets go to Denver for a sammich , man.... a Fools Gold Loaf , man....... peanut butter , jelly , and a pound of crispy fried bacon , jack.......
this is soooooo good...... top it off with peas 'n' mashed potatos in a bowl fer me to eat with mah fingers..... then some ice cream and cookies , and I will be energized!....

hopefully a belated Elvis' Birthday commemoration will be just as good , jack !....... enjoy amigo!

2/1/2020 17:23:10 - by ByTheRoots !
Elvis Stuff

E2E Elvis To Elvis (Phone Ho Theater)
Phoner With Eilert Pilarm
List of Contents Of Elvis stomach At The Time Of His death
Elvis' Weight On Other Planets
List of The Prescription Pills Elvis Took in The Last 3 years Of His Life
Elvis Ate His Way To An Early Grave

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