Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2002 Podcasts > 102902.mp3
10/29/2002 - Segment 1 | views (5732) | comments (4) | add comment
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Tue Oct 29, 2002: If Gets Hit By a Train 10 Years From Now...She'll Be On the Carny Show
Pre-show: Don talks up records
Don's son considers a career in hotel management
Curb Your Enthusiasm is the new Sopranos
Christian Mail-Order-Bride service
Phoner with Larry McIntyre regarding the service
Freda and family are on the John Edwards's Grifting Over show to talk to dead relatives, dog Brandy
Oxbig and Litoris (Pumpkin Picasso)

11/1/2012 18:59:26 - by jason
One of the best d and m shows ever. Robb is f-ing hilarious and has no
shame calling this mail order bride guy over and over again. Talk about no
sense of humor....this is a riot. Must hear.

10/29/2013 18:00:22 - by D&M Fan
A great show, highlighted by the extended segment with the
Christian mail-order bride guy. Happy that I was able to
listen to this show on my "email ma-SHEEN"!

10/7/2015 21:06:04 - by Zora McBride
Finally found it! So I remember experiencing this episode as a teenager in middle school. The show was broadcast here in LR for four hours at night and my group of com-padres and I listened to it with wrapped attention and peals of laughter. It was one of the best things for our ripening, recently pubescent minds. This episode holds particularly fond memories for me. For the longest time I had it on cassette, along with a number of other D&M gems. We would quote lines from it with great frequency. RIP guys, your show was and remains a beloved capsule of joyous times gone by. EMAIL MACHINE!!

6/5/2021 22:05:56 - by Patrick
I often have the don and mike show playing
in the background. If I step out the room
I usually just let it play. Not tonight
when I had to step out, I hit the paused
button, because I did not want to miss one
second of the larry interview. I was
disappointed I could not find larry's
website or book. Excellent show! Don and
Mike are radio gods!

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