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10/22/2001 - Segment 1 | views (5641) | comments (2) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 10/22/2001:
1 - 102201.mp3
Mon Oct 22, 2001: Daddy Day--Dolphin Day
The 9/11 entertainment special fiasco
Don is going to a Yankees/Mariners game
Don gets blown off at a restaurant by QB Jeff George
Mike's run-in with The Law
Finalizing the Fumpkin Pucking contest rules
Dan Snyder (Mike) crows about the Redskins winning a game for a change
More than you ever wanted to know about how to get it on with a dolphin

9/23/2011 16:45:03 - by D&M Fan
Today's show offers a post-event analysis of the debacle that was the 9/11 First Responders fundraiser concert in D.C. Several callers who were at the concert call in to offer their critique but things take an ugly turn when and a long-suffering Mary Jane calls in expecting praise and recognition for herself, her company and co-workers for their selflessness in donating the food and beverage concessions for the concert -- food and beverage that ran out halfway through the concert. Don and Mike were not impressed. Next, it's the weekends: Don hated "Bandits" and didn't want to wait for a table at Big Bowl; Mike's band members were questioned by police during a neighborhood watch. Lots of build-up to the "Fumkin' Pucking" contest planned for later in the week in NYC. But the highlight (or low point) of this show HAS to be the detailed instructions for having sex with dolphins, courtesy of a zoophile and D&M listener. Is it any wonder that this dude didn't want to come to the studio to be interviewed?

3/23/2018 21:12:45 - by Patrick
The reading of the how to guide to have sex with a dolphin, by
Don was extremely funny and yet very informative,,,,, hard to
believe it is 17 years old. Paint you're bald spot rules.
Thank you

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