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10/19/2001 - Segment 1 | views (5633) | comments (1) | add comment
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1 - 101901.mp3
Fri Oct 19, 2001: One Ringie Dingie
Don is still on standby as a lifeline
Newsmaker of the Week (Dan Rather)
LBJ (Tony Soprano/James Gandolfini)
Charlie Stossel and Mista 40
Pick the Pros with Terry Bradshaw
Blown off by The Millionaire Show

8/11/2011 12:45:54 - by D&M Fan
Fri-DEEEEEE! Don is obsessing about being wrestler Mankind's "Phone a Friend" lifeline on a celebrity edition of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" that is taping today. Don has been warned to keep the hotline open -- so of course every call in or out on that line brings Doni G one step closer to a total meltdown. And speaking of meltdowns, I almost had one during Dennis Murphy's graphic description of his recent bowl movement. And I thought the idea of him making a porno was enough to turn your stomach... Next, it's LBJ with James Gandolfini/Tony Soprano and, as usual, Mike knocks it out of the park. Then, in what has to be the funniest bit of 2001, we have dueling movie reviews with Charlie Stossel versus Mr. Forty as they offer their opposing views of "Mulholland Drive", "Riding Around in Cars with Boys", "From Hell" and "The Last Castle." The only thing that could make this this bit any funnier is if they were to pair Charlie with Charley...Finally, Don calls the producer from "Millionare" to find out why he hasn't been called yet. The password is, "NEVER CALL THIS NUMBER!"

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