Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2001 Podcasts > 101601.mp3
10/16/2001 - Segment 1 | views (5395) | comments (1) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 10/16/2001:
1 - 101601.mp3
Tues Oct 16, 2001: Geriatric Gang Bangers
Mike doesn't know if he beat Lisa in this week's Fantasy Football game
Yankees baseball recap
Don wants Mike to change his ATM PIN
A lady from XXX in-studio for a "date"
A rare taken-call from Carl "The Merry Jew" Grossman
D&M get ball-busted in the Six-and-Two bowling newsletter
Arguing with The Most Powerful Woman in Sports over last weekend's picks
Dan Snyder (Mike) in-studio
Donna and Michelle Show: jumbo-size maxi-pads

8/7/2011 12:33:51 - by D&M Fan
Tuesday's show opens with lots of Fantasy Football talk -- Mike and Lisa are tied for first place, maybe. Don announces that his brother Jim is heading to DC for a visit at the end of the week, but his departure date is still a question mark. Next, some German internet porn video sensation schtopps by the studio to get free advertising in exchange for a date with two D&M callers. Very disturbing. In my favorite segment of today's show, Jim Nantz and Rudy Martzke learn that they have to pay $400 to the Red Cross 9/11 Fund for losing Friday's "Pick the Pros" exercise. Jim is gracious in defeat, but Rudy is looking for a way to wiggle his way out...

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