Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2001 Podcasts > 100301.mp3
10/3/2001 - Segment 1 | views (5924) | comments (3) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 10/3/2001:
1 - 100301.mp3
Wed Oct 3, 2001: What a Way to Go-Go
Layoffs at WJFK
Don wants to organize a bowling team
A listener sends a "topical ointment" for Don's athelete's foot
When does the bombing of Afghanistan start?
Phoner with Adam West
Phoner with Dr. Jump, who wants to massage the slavery out of Michael Jordan's legs
Gay-friendly car lot blows off "It's Raining Men"
More than you ever wanted to know about "pickle park"

4/4/2011 18:02:11 - by D&M Fan
It's WednesDEE and the guys have a phoner with Adam FREAKIN' West. That's right: Batman! Best part about the interview is that he totally gets D&M's sense of humor. But before we can get to that, Don announces big layoffs at the station (and I think this may be his first time referencing his role as Program Manager) due to post 9/11 financial problems. The boys decide to form the Don & Mike Bowling League and name their team "The Gutterballs." Then Robb interviews a 77-year old teacher in California who claims he can help older black atheletes such as Michael Jordan and Jerry Rice perform better by "massaging the slavery out of their legs." The mind boggles. Finally, the guys field a number of calls about a gay rendezvous site at a park in Haymarket, Va. which they christen "Pickle Park." Vintage goodness, indeed!

9/19/2012 03:30:40 - by jason
This has to be the best show i've had the pleasure of hearing for a second
time yet. The Mike Landis guy wins the contest. Priceless!!!

6/10/2017 17:41:14 - by Fish
RIP Adam West

I remember this phoner with him, great

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