Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2001 Podcasts > 071901.mp3
7/19/2001 - Segment 1 | views (7127) | comments (1) | add comment
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1 - 071901.mp3
Thurs July 19, 2001: What's the Tax on Eat Sh*t?
Teasing an Important Announcement within the next couple weeks
People email in with sob stories because they want money
A bad day for porno in the Geronimo household
Sob story guy calls in
Charlie Stossel
LBJ (Rush Limbaugh)

7/27/2011 13:33:51 - by D&M Fan
It's Thurs-DEE and the show has a late start. Seems the guys were called into a meeting with management and legal about something they can't talk about yet. No, it's not the story in the NY Post that they are moving to mid-day. No, it isn't that they will soon be heard in LA. Stop calling in to ask questions about the big announcement -- they will tell you as soon as they can. OK, with that out of the way, Don reads an email from a guy who wants the show to give him $10K so his brother can pay the taxes on a contest prize he won from the Food Network. Eventually the winner calls in to apologize for his brother's drunken letter and explain why he can't pay the taxes. And speaking of payments, Don talks about how he racked up $36 in porno fees from his cable company in a single afternoon. Freyda will NOT be happy when she gets that bill! Charlie Stossel stops by to provide reviews of "America's Sweethearts" and "Jurassic Park 3". Finally, LBJ with Rush Limbaugh, who has just signed a HUGE contract extension and has stopped by to share his good news and flatulence.

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