Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2001 Podcasts > 070501.mp3
7/5/2001 - Segment 1 | views (7052) | comments (1) | add comment
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1 - 070501.mp3
Thurs July 5, 2001: Bon Jour!
Don and Robb's trip to France recap
- F-you sideways to British Air and the two-day trip from Hell
- There is no a/c in France
- Nice looks like Southern Cal
- French TV
- The public drinking fountain
- A woman's fascination with olive oil castles
- Dinner with Calvin the BA pilot
- the train trip to Switzerland
- the French fascination with black people
- French Radio Nostalgie
- Robb eats horsemeat, Don throws up at McDonalds
- Vox pops in the town of Grasse
- Don buys Robb some stockings at a lingerie store
Mike's drunk, flight-cancelled, head-cold family vacation

7/17/2011 19:19:01 - by D&M Fan
This has to be one of my favorite shows from all of 2001 --it's the first day back from summer vacation and Don is full of fantastic, entertaining, amazing stories from his vacation in France with the Spewaks. This episode proves the adage that you can take the American radio god out of the States, but you can't take the States out of the American radio god. Great stuff!

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