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5/4/2001 - Segment 1 | views (6206) | comments (2) | add comment
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1 - 050401.mp3
Fri May 4, 2001: You Put the C--- in Country *Puke*
This just in: Survivor blows, the big finale blows. Bryant Gumbel blows
Worried about the next Sopranos
The incredible lameness of Phil Hendrie
A website that calculates the probability of an airplane crash on a given flight
Karen Carpenter tribute
Exactly how phoney is wrestling?
Charlie Stossel
Article about Club Exhale losing its liquor license after the LVSS
Ex-intern Roy's Mom drops by in a cloud of perfume
LBJ (Yogi Berra)

7/9/2011 16:09:30 - by D&M Fan
Fri-DEEEEE! It's the day after the big Survivor (Season 2) finale, and there is nothing but distain for the show and the winner (Tina). Don professes his undying love for The Carpenters. Next, the guys find a website that predicts plane crashes based on history and probability -- of course they have to look up the flight that Mike will be taking to Portland in a few days. The guys debate whether or not pro wrestling is fake, and take time to set the record straight about their recent appearance in Frederick, Md. -- an event which has spurred a local media frenzy. Finally, our LBJ celebrity guest is Yankees legend Yogi Berra. Hysterical!

10/10/2012 13:29:19 - by Issues
The Karen Carpenter Tribute is one of the funniest goddamn things D&M
ever did. Still has me dying from laughter.

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