Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2001 Podcasts > 050301.mp3
5/3/2001 - Segment 1 | views (6547) | comments (7) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 5/3/2001:
1 - 050301.mp3
Thurs May 3, 2001: Hey, Everyone! We're All Gonna Get BJs!
The Survivor finale and does anyone care?
D&M/Tom Gavin simulcast
Tom writes/sings a song about Wendell Hall
Phone scan
What would you want for your Final Meal?
Pull My Finger II CD arrives
San Francisco listener will sleep with the PD for the broke-dick Frisco station
Phoner with J. J. McKay about her sharing a bed with Homo Joe
Cat fight: coworkers calls to say the San Franciso listener is a pig
Ryder checks in
What's My Line?

6/12/2011 11:53:48 - by D&M Fan
Back in D.C. for Thursday's show and armed with a spanking-new array of Pete Johnson tapes, the guys' carefully planned show goes completely off the rails thanks to a phoner from Tommy Gavin (while he broadcasts his classic rock radio show), a prolonged segment with a crazy woman wondering why she can't hear the show in San Francisco (but really has an axe to grind), and a call with Homo Joe to get the "real" story on the night Lisa bunked at his place. The show wraps with an entertaining session of "What's My Line" with callers for a copy of the brand new "Pull My Finger" CD.

3/18/2018 21:33:20 - by Patrick
I am still laughing 17 years later... True radio god's...
Still topical.... We are still talking about oj.

3/28/2018 15:47:03 - by Patrick
How can Lisa go from a drunken whore surrounded by drug
addicts buzz and formely charged don source.... To a police
department spokes person??? No standards??? IA where are

3/28/2018 16:16:59 - by chuck wright
Lance G crowd 864_8345911 is a fag

3/28/2018 16:18:06 - by 3mta3
Tickle the duke

3/28/2018 16:18:34 - by 3mta3
Tickle the duke

3/28/2018 16:21:32 - by 3mta3
Tickle the duke

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