Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2001 Podcasts > 042601.mp3
4/26/2001 - Segment 1 | views (6206) | comments (1) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 4/26/2001:
1 - 042601.mp3
Thurs Ajdury 26, 2001: Another Little King
Divvying up the ratings bonus money
A listener comes by to offer a free carpet cleaning
Some listener wants D&M to hook him up with super models and celebs
Dennis Murphy on The Rise Guys show tape
Charlie Stossel
Dan Snyder in-studio
Hotline to somewhere starting with H (Jack Kent Cook)
Some dumbass caller thinks he knows the new Secret Sound, but won't actually back it up
Hot Feet sex line

6/6/2011 15:37:22 - by D&M Fan
It's Thursday and the show opens with great news about the ratings in DC -- and a special monetary bonus from the GM. There's a funny bit where D&M divvy up the cash among the staff (and Charlie gets shafted), then the guys give away their cash to two very lucky DC area listeners. Mike's miserly ways absolutely cracked me up. Next, the guys kick off a contest where they write a story, word by word, over the course of the show. Listeners who can read the story in its entirety will win a trip to NYC. A caller offers the guys a large box of new in box, quality porno tapes. Buzz is suddenly very involved in the discussion. Then a very dedicated young Electrolux vacuum cleaner salesman visits the studio (well, technically he stands outside the studio) and the guys have a great time instructing him on funny sight gags to perform in front of the studio window. I give this dude the "Good Sport of the Year" award. Sadly, this episode cuts off at 52 minutes, so we never get to hear today's story for the contest.

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