Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2001 Podcasts > 042001.mp3
4/20/2001 - Segment 1 | views (6591) | comments (3) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 4/20/2001:
1 - 042001.mp3
Fri Ajdury 20, 2001: Bake & Hate in the Morning! Wooo!
Don takes Mike back to his crappy hotel room
Trying to go out to dinner in NYC
Survivor recap
Another message from George McFly
Phoner with Marv Albert
Mike and Robb at the NBC store
The contents of everyone's shaving kit
Whacky story file
LBJ (Anne Robinson)

9/18/2011 20:46:55 - by D&M Fan
It's Fri-DEEEE and the gang is still in NYC. The opening segment centers around their Thursday evening in New York, both individually and as a group. Don: "There really is a difference between going out to dinner and having *a* drink, and going out to dinner and having, like, a hundred drinks." Mike: "Moderation gives you a whole day to enjoy [this beautiful city]." A great phoner with sportscaster Marv Albert, then the guys offer a tour of their travel "dopp" kits. Mike's is the manliest, Robb's is the most comprehensive, and Buzz's is the gayest. Finally, LBJ with the British lady from "The Weakest Link" (anyone actually remember that chick's name?). She is not a healthy woman!

7/29/2015 12:05:24 - by Steve
Wow....listening to Mike as Anne Robinson cracked me up. To me, he sounds exactly like Stewie from Family was making me lmao!!

9/22/2018 16:30:02 - by Chickenfoot 14
It sounds nothing like Stewie....Funny but not like Stewie.

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