Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2001 Podcasts > 041701.mp3
4/17/2001 - Segment 1 | views (6282) | comments (1) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 4/17/2001:
1 - 041701.mp3
Tues Ajdury 17, 2001: When Was the Last Time You Had Fun?!
Aaron Sorkin in the (Buzz) Burbank Jail
Call to some old bat who wrote an angry letter to the newspaper about The Show
Annual last-minute-tax-filers news report recap
The Weakest Link sucks
Freda finds a fart filter cushion
Planning The Backward Show
Marion Berry (Mike) discusses his indecent exposure court case
The wit and wisdom of Lay King
Bridget the Midget calls in
Oxbig and Litoris

9/18/2011 10:07:46 - by D&M Fan
West Wing creater Aaron Sorkin has been arrested for 'shrooms, and according to news reports, spent the weekend in the Burbank Jail -- where it's nice...and every cell has an oil painting of Marsha, naked ...and none of the TVs offer sports channels...and no strollers are allowed in the visitor's lounge...naturally. LOL! Other episode highlights include a call to the D&M Fan of the Week who is the origin of the phrase "Satan's Imps", a comparison of lame news coverage of last-minute tax filers at the post office, and the Secret Jesus roaming around a mall in New Jersey. The guys make a call to DC Mayor for Life "Marion Berry" to check in on the status of his indecent exposure trial. Finally, "Mike Oxbigg" and "Mike LaTaurus" call a guy in San Diego who runs a classic car dealership which features a 1950s-style diner in the waiting room.

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