Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2001 Podcasts > 031501.mp3
3/15/2001 - Segment 1 | views (5948) | comments (2) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 3/15/2001:
1 - 031501.mp3
Thurs Mar 15, 2001: Stoned on Kidneys
Don is home with kidney stones
Why Survivor sucks
Mike's BoSox preseason melt-down
Mike spends his wonderful morning off cleaning up dog crap
Phoner with XFL and Rassler Vince McMahon
More than you ever wanted to know about Hoof-n-Mouth, Hand-n-Mouth, whatever it is
Creepy salesguy Colin takes Robb's birthday nudes
Robb's dry cleaner, Ali, calls in
Wacky Story File

3/20/2011 09:35:09 - by D&M Fan
Don's been stricken with kidney stones, and is home in bed, leaving Mike in charge. It's a preview of the lineup that will become The Mike O'Meara Show in just a few years. Three words: Too. Much. Robb. Many, many callers offer their expertise and advice for passing kidney stones. Mike has a phoner with Vince McMahon about wrestling and the future of the XFL and Randy "Macho Man" Savage is in studio. In honor of Robb's birthday the week before, young sales executive Colin receives a "two-girl show." In what has to be the best spontaneous moment of the show, one of the Secret Sound contestants thinks he's calling in for the Secret *Song* contests and guesses "Love in an Elevator." LMAO

5/9/2021 12:07:52 - by Patrick
Unfortunately, the macho man , called in
to late to make the show, DIG IT!

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