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2/16/2001 - Segment 1 | views (7047) | comments (1) | add comment
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1 - 021601.mp3
Fri Feb 16, 2001: Beware Geeks Returning Gifts
Survivor recap, and the horrible truth about eggs
Salesboy Colin hangs around Lisa too much
The debacle with the studio computers
Charlie Stossel
Where the hell are Dennis Murphy's Christmas gifts?
Phone scan
Charlie Broyhill and Salesboy Colin vs. Laura, the girl who won the Blind Date contest
LBJ (Bush)

3/23/2011 15:57:19 - by D&M Fan
It's FRIIII-DEEEEE! The guys open with a discussion about Survivor, then bring in young sales executive "Colin Coitius" to discuss his habit of lurking around Lisa when she's handling the board. Next we have a prolonged discussion between Don and Wendell the engineer, Charlie Broyhill and a clueless Mike about why the call screeners can't use a computer system to let Don know the name of the caller on each line. Funny to hear how expensive computers were 10 years ago. Charlie Stossel stops by to take his punishment for recommending Hannibal to Don the week before, the Mr. Rogers soundboard guy calls in to chat with Charlie, and Don reads prison mail from one of Charlie's inmate admirers. Charlie reviews "Recess", "Sweet November" and "Down to Earth". Dennis Murphy calls in during his trip to Iowa for an appearance at KCJJ and survives an interogation by Don about why Dennis has not come by yet with Christmas presents for the gang. We close out the week with LBJ and a visit from President George W. Bush.

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