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1/24/2001 - Segment 1 | views (6621) | comments (3) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 1/24/2001:
1 - 012401.mp3
Wed Jan 24, 2001: Cut Yer Nuts Off
What the mayors of Baltimore and New York ought to offer as a Super Bowl bet
Don has his Super Bowl tix from Alan
Escaped convict could have been phone scan caller
Screening contestants for the "What's In There" game?
Back on WNEW, mad at The Gerbil
The Boop Boop
Hey kids! Rick Dees will be on Z104! (on 21-hour tape delay)
Charlie Stossel hates O Brother Where Art Thou?
Jail Mail
The mayor of STDmore bails out on his phoner
Phoner with Lisa Remedy

4/24/2011 12:14:56 - by D&M Fan
The highlight of today's opening segment has to be the audio clips of an interview with an escaped convict who has turned himself in. The guys are convinced that the convict might be one of their callers. Next, Don has heard that a D.C. Top 40 station will be broadcasting Rick Dees's syndicated show -- timeshifted to run 24 hours later. So of course they have to call Z104 to offer their opinion of this genius move. Charlie Stossel drops by to pick up prisoner mail and review "The Wedding Planner", "Sugar and Spice" and "Shadow of the Vampire." Leah Remini calls in to whine about something or other.

1/24/2013 22:51:21 - by Wick
Stossel is an idiot for hating O Brother Where Art Thou? and Mike is an idiot for hating Raising Arizona! BTW, the Jon Benet lady makes an appearance around the 35 minute mark! But seriously, What Women Want is a better movie than O Brother? What a FUMB DUCK!!!

1/1/2020 18:02:30 - by Patrick
Happy to report the state of Texas put 4
of the Texas 7 to death. One killed
himself prior to capture. I can not wait
till justice catches up with remaining
two. Rip Officer Hawkins.

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