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1/23/2001 - Segment 1 | views (6717) | comments (1) | add comment
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1 - 012301.mp3
Tues Jan 23, 2001: It-shay or-fay ains-Bray
More than you ever wanted to know about testicle transplants
Mike says he'll shave his head if the Sox don't win the pennant this year
The star witness at Gordon Liddy's defamation suit is a whack-job (allegedly)
American Chewie (Mark Chemora) story details
Phoner with Bill Clinton (Mike) about living alone in NYC
"Kiss My Bumper" guy (Howard G) calls in
Phoner with Tom Liddy (Gordon's son) about the trial
Teasing the "What's In There?" game
Fighting with Broyhill over the missing Super Bowl tickets
Fighting with Linewand over the missing Super Bowl tickets

8/18/2011 13:40:45 - by D&M Fan
Don announces that today is "Mike's Day" (not sure what that means) and kicks off the program by taking calls. The gamble pays off big-time with a man who wants to sell one of his testicles to pay off his bills -- a "Balls for Bills" scheme. Next, the guys establish their annual Red Sox World Series head shaving bet before launching into a preview of two high-profile trials: G.Gordon Liddy for defamation of character and Mark Chimura (Green Bay Packers player) for sexual assault of a minor. Then a quick call to private citizen and "single guy" Bill Clinton in his first post-White House interview. The final third of the show is devoted to failed promises and dishonest management as Don tries to pin down exactly when he will get his promised tickets to the Super Bowl. Clearly, someone dropped the ball and Don is not happy. Empty promises, empty promises...

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