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1/22/2001 - Segment 1 | views (6937) | comments (1) | add comment
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1 - 012201.mp3
Mon Jan 22, 2001: The Million Dollar Dullard
Don skips the inauguration
Jenna Bush's boobs
CBS won't pay postage for radio prizes
Golden Globes recap
Al Pacino's rambling acceptance speech
Joan and Melissa Rivers recap
Don tries showing the movie Casino to his neighbors
Bart kicks Don's ass playing basketball
Some guy in pajamas and slippers shopping at Safeway at 4pm
Dumbass caller can't fathom the Secret Song contest
Sgt O'Meara's DJ crap blues band

8/29/2011 13:42:37 - by D&M Fan
It's the Monday after the Bush inauguration and -- shocker! -- Don did not use the VIP tickets he received from the local Republican party guy on Friday. The horrible weather (and Don being Don) are to blame. But for those who watched from the comfort of their homes, there was lots to see -- Jenna Bush's wardrobe malfunction, some fur protester's puzzy, and GHWB eating peanuts during his son's big speech. Next, Don reveals that in addition to having their promotional budget eliminated, the show can no longer afford to mail the prizes they have already awarded. The Don and Mike investigation reveals that the daily mailing cost runs about $2.48/day...on a show that billed more than $10M in 2000. But the good guys win this fight when they bring GM Alan Leinwan into the studio to express their disgust. Then it's on to Golden Globes talk, where Don feels vindicated for his support of "Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou?" after the film wins three awards. Lots of talk about Al Pacino's rambling "speech" -- I laughed out loud at the caller who suggested they mash-up that tape with one of Elvis's drunken ramblings... Sadly, the show cuts off at about 2:10, but not before Don's story about showing "Casino" to a group of horrified neighbors who just can't understand why he finds it so entertaining/funny. "Charlie M? You made me pop out your f*cking eye out of your head to protect that piece of sh*t, Charlie M?" Miraculously, he was not asked to leave the party...

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