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12/7/2000 - Segment 1 | views (6029) | comments (1) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 12/7/2000:
1 - 120700.mp3
Thurs Dec 7, 2000: Bloody Good
Christmas concert with Dennis Murphy, Tom the Monster, Mista 40 and Homo Joe
Don's bloody feet and socks
Regular caller Ryder in-studio to tease his trip to Reno to get laid
A fan sends in some body-part-painting art
Steve Kingston complains to the gerbil about stuff Don said on the air
Steve Kingston (Don) calls Ken Stevens (Mike)
More on C--- Fest, and some college kid who claims he found a dead deer in his shower
Mike's childhood friend Richie calls in to tell the story of how Mike popped his cherry
Vinnie the Elf

12/12/2011 16:00:27 - by D&M Fan
Do you find Dennis Murphy supremely annoying? If so, you need to skip this episode. You've been warned. But if you choose to proceed, you will enjoy today's Don and Mike Christmas Spectacular will all the regular D&M Irregulars to celebrate the season. Santa Dennis massacres "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" but Baby Jesus Tom Gavin does a pretty good job on the same song, then Wiseman Homo Joe takes a turn with "Dick the Halls." Best singer of all is Wiseman Mr. Forty, who shows off his trademark flair for the English language. Later, a woman named Laura agrees to be French-kissed by Dennis for 30 seconds to win $50. It was NOT like putting your tongue in a nest of slugs. Next, we meet Ryder, the brain-damaged D&M fan who the guys are sending to Nevada to get laid. Seems like a nice guy and one who really appreciates the gift in the spirit it was given. Later, we get some inside scoop on some tension between KROC program director Steve Kingston and Don in the aftermath of some rather revealing stories from their shared past. Steve was NOT amused. Someone else who doesn't see the humor is a group of students at Penn State, who have written a letter to the Governor of Pennsylvania protesting "C**tFest", an event designed to take back the C-word. But that's OK, because there's an even bigger news story in Happy Valley, where someone has dumped a dead deer in a dorm shower stall. Oh, those goofy college kids and their pranks...

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