Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 120600.mp3
12/6/2000 - Segment 1 | views (8521) | comments (5) | add comment
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1 - 120600.mp3
Wed Dec 6, 2000: Norville the Clown
Greg Brady/Slim-Shady parody song is actually funny
The Budweiser Holiday Box -- Budweiser with champagne glasses
Bart calls to defend Drew Barrymore
Introducing car-wreck victim Ryder, who wants to get laid for Christmas
Charlie Stossel
Oxbig and Letoris (guy who wants to sell voting chads)
Phoner with Norv Turner (Mike)

12/12/2011 12:53:34 - by D&M Fan
Highlight of the first segment has to be Don's phone call to local 7-11 stores to ask a question about a special Budwiser holiday beer display. Hysterical! Next, we meet Ryder, a young man who has written a heartfelt letter to Don and Mike asking for their assistance in getting him laid for the first time since a horrifying car accident in 1991 which left him with permanent brain damage. Santa Don and Santa Mike reach into their big bag of holiday cheer and decide to send him to Reno for a professional hook up. Next, Charlie Stossel stops by to hear his latest disturbing prison mail and review "Vertical Limit" and "Proof of Life" and "Mike Oxbig" and "Mike LaTaurus" call some guy selling a sack of "chads". Dumb guy but funny bit. Recently fired Redskins coach Norv Turner is still depressed, and there still isn't a winner in the November 2000 Presidential election, and OJ Simpson is still a free man.

10/24/2014 02:32:45 - by KEBMC
Great fart 13 min in

10/24/2014 02:40:13 - by KEBMC
Touche the one at 18:40 caught me off guard. I could tast ot
through my headphones

12/28/2019 01:50:48 - by Patrick
R.I.P. Don Imus. 12-27-2019

4/11/2024 13:59:51 - by Jack Bauer
The Juice has been poured out

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