Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 120500.mp3
12/5/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5514) | comments (3) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 12/5/2000:
1 - 120500.mp3
Tues Dec 5, 2000: Is It Santa's Briefcase?
Don's appearance on KoQ recap
Dennis Miller on MNF recap
Ranking hot sports broadcasters who should pose in Playboy
Phoner with Leah Remini
Introducing the Holiday Secret Sound
Harrison Ford tabloid story
Big Gay Homo Joe's latest big gay subway conquest
Kathie C tabloid story
Self-Image quiz
Norv Turner gets fired promo
The incredibly bad production values at JFK is mad because Don gave out his email address

12/11/2011 19:53:20 - by D&M Fan
TuesDEE show and the DC Metro area is still feeling the aftershocks from the weekend firing of Redskins coach Norv Turner AND Don's amazing cameo on "King of Queens" the night before. But even more exciting to listeners is the return of the "Secret Sound" (hint: it's not the sound of Scotch tape ripping). Some great tabloid stories about Harrison Ford and strip clubs. Homo Joe calls in with a story of a Metro train love connection. We really hope it works out for him this time...but we doubt it. A quick segment featuring a self-esteem quiz leads to a debate about whether or not Buzz laughs out loud. He does, and for the record, his laugh is pretty sexy. What isn't sexy is the production quality on WJFK's weekend broadcast of the Redskins pregame and play-by-play, as Don's 20-minute rant proves. But they love engineer Wendell Hall and don't blame him for the crap that is going out over the air. And really, isn't that all that matters?

12/5/2012 20:32:50 - by Wick
Great Don fart at 58:35!

12/5/2012 23:00:20 - by Wick
Great Mike fart at 2:35:15!

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