Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 112900.mp3
11/29/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5970) | comments (3) | add comment
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1 - 112900.mp3
Wed Nov 29, 2000: Bang Gotcha
Trolling for the freak show
Klink gets sick, craps all over the house, Don pukes in middle of it, visitors show up
Top 10 gifts that Robb will give his kid
Phoner with Don's old DJ friend Shotgun Mark Rivers
DJ stories
Trolling for the freak show
Charlie Stossel
Wacky Story File (Jesus freak)
Mom vs. Mom Cage-Match for a Razor scooter

12/5/2011 09:47:19 - by D&M Fan
Great opening segment, focused on little Adolf Spewak, due to arrive in two or so weeks. A listener has supplied a Top Ten List of gifts for the newborn ("Gunrack for the stroller" is one of my favorites); Don and Mike believe that the baby will not change Robb's lifestyle that much, particularly if the baby enjoys TV; and neither believes that Robb will be able to change diapers. Next, a call with a long-time radio friend of Don's, Shotgun Mark Rivers, with plenty of great stories about 1980s DeeJay hanky-panky. Then, Charlie Stossel stops by to hear his latest prison mail but no reviews (no new movies this week). Moms compete to win a razor scooter for their kids for Christmas -- boy, are they shrill! The Bush/Gore election is still unresolved, and the guys are OVER it. Finally, Buzz has a news story that every gun owner should hear. Says Don, "There's something funny about hunters killing themselves..."

11/29/2012 22:06:56 - by Wick
I love the DJ stories! The one about the q tip always makes me queesy!

7/25/2013 16:54:14 - by Patrick
I think 2000 and 2001 were the best years of the " Don and mike show" ,,,,,

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