Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 112200.mp3
11/22/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5625) | comments (1) | add comment
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1 - 112200.mp3
Wed Nov 22, 2000: Work Stoppage
Don's Thanksgiving plans
Mike is going to run in a 5K
Angry message from a caller on Robb's voice mail, gets dumped. D&M declare a work stoppage
Flu shots
Pick the Pros with John Madden
Homo Joe and his new Jarhead boyfriend
Nipple & Anus (Butterball Turkey Talk Line)
Charlie Stossel
Goofing on Jack Diamond and Burt the rat

11/27/2011 10:48:06 - by D&M Fan
It's the day before Thanksgiving and the guys are in a mood...which becomes apparent about 20 minutes in when Don melts down on Program Director Jeremey Coleman for riding the dump button a bit toooo liberally. The guys declare a "work stopage", which leads to 30 or so minutes of the most uncomfortable radio interplay EVER! The show gets back on track with the annual call to the ever-entertaining John Madden and a quick call from Homo Joe. Movieman Charlie Stossel drops by to hear his latest prison mail and review "Unbreakable" and "101 Dalmations". But a call from a listener reporting a bit by Jack Diamond earlier in the day completely derails the rest of the show. Time for some Butterball turkey, turkey!

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