Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 111500.mp3
11/15/2000 - Segment 1 | views (7382) | comments (5) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 11/15/2000:
1 - 111500.mp3
Wed Nov 15, 2000: Divine Sisterhood of the Subzero Refrigerator
Celebrating their triumphant return to Ocean City with Bad Billy Warner tapes
Work Stoppage until girls call in to play Strip Trivia
Freda Trolls for Strip Trivia Contestants
The greatness of COPS, suckiness of the Drew Carey Show
Phoner with Dave Cummings at
Charlie Stossel
Phone scan
Don's aversion to women (aka Freda's Friends)
Fights with callers

6/25/2012 08:10:42 - by D&M Fan
Another EXCELLENT title for this recap, mcfadone! Solid
Wednesday episode, enjoyed Charlie Stossel's appearance and
the description of the personalized Thanksgiving menu his
inmate admirer sent him. Also laughed during the debate over
"Rugrats in Paris" -- hard to believe that one is on someone's
classics list. Other movie reviewed by Charlie this week are
"The Sixth Day" and "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". What a
bad week for Hollywood!

6/28/2012 17:06:58 - by Jason
How do we download these to be able to listen to them on a mp3

6/28/2012 17:49:10 - by mcfadone
Hey Jason,

Here's the RSS feed:

12/25/2019 13:09:46 - by Patrick
Thankful for this site.

2/4/2024 17:34:23 - by Jay Thomas's Ghost
I love this site and being able to catch episodes I never
heard and reliving old ones. This was the heyday of hot talk
radio. Met Don last year, could not have been a nicer guy.
We can't have nice things here like Don anymore. Shocker
Barbie girl is no longer in the market, Scranton
carpetbagger like someone else, and my roots are PA.

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