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11/8/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5518) | comments (1) | add comment
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1 - 110800.mp3
Wed Nov 8, 2000: Still No President
Florida f's up the country again. Mike concedes anyway, will take Tom Gavin to lunch
Freda wants to give the old refrigerator to Big Freda, Don wants a Hottie Homemaker contest
Phoner to Florida vote counters
Charlie Stossel takes a pie because Bagger Vance didn't have a strong opening weekend
BN vs. Mista 40
Problems with commercial carts
Scott Shannon's CB interference
The Gore/Bush (Mike) telephone concession calls

11/10/2012 11:19:20 - by D&M Fan
You know that Freyda is under the weather in this episode
when the best argument she can muster for giving their extra
fridge to Big Freyda (versus giving it away to a listener,
as Don wants to do) is that Big Freyda might need it to
store watermelon in the summer. Game. Set. Match. Don wins.

I made a point of saving this episode until after the 2012
election because I had a bad feeling that Florida would be a
disaster again, 12 years later. Guess what? Four days after
the election and they still have not finalized the vote
count. So in 12 years, Florida has learned exactly NOTHING
about managing a national election.

Loved the re-enactment of the Bush-Gore phone calls.
Somehow, that is *exactly* as I imagined when I heard about
the concession/concession withdrawal calls!

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