Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 110100.mp3
11/1/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5753) | comments (2) | add comment
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1 - 110100.mp3
Wed Nov 1, 2000: Indubitabladubudlubly
Trick or Treating recap
Trying to remember terms of old bets
Don doesn't understand the American Psycho ending
Robb introduces the Redskins
Phoner with Joe Rockhead, dumb intern made good
Phoner with the mother of some freak giant kid football player
Charlie Stossel

1/5/2012 10:08:10 - by robe
1 hr 9 min...rob is HILARIOUS

6/19/2012 12:01:42 - by D&M Fan
So explain this to me: It's OK to ask about your freakishly
large son's bowel movements, but not acceptable to ask about
his underwear? That's right, it was the underwear question
that sent the call to the mother of the 500+ pound high
school football player into a snit. Go figure.

Other highlights of the show -- the argument between D&M
about the movies they like (and whether liking the more
popular movies makes you better than those who like less
popular films), the very sweet call from the listener with a
brain tumor and a limited time left on this planet, and the
first airing of Robb's "Big Daddy Dan WIL KIN SON!" tape. I
still laugh at that, years later.

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