Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 102600.mp3
10/26/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5025) | comments (2) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 10/26/2000:
1 - 102600.mp3
Thurs Oct 26, 2000: A PS2 is More Valuable than a Liz Hurley BJ--Maybe
Trolling for What Would You Eat
Comparing their PPV porn purchases for the prior month (Mike: 15 (really 20), Don: 7)
Is Playstation 2 worth all the hype?
Jeff from Tech Radio couldn't get a PS2
Fight with a caller
Checking on the girl who won tickets to the World Series--the gerbil gave her a $20 for spending money
Phoner with Bart about PS2, homecoming, US Presidents
Major F'ing Star Dennis Murphy in-studio to discuss his Mexican porn adventure
Win a Date with a Loser game

6/17/2012 21:17:14 - by D&M Fan
In listening to this show, I'm struck by what a douche Ken
Stevens was re: the World Series tickets. Even in 2000
standards, $20 to spend at ANY major sports venue would only
buy a dog and a drink for the winning listener and not for the
friend she brought along. It's not like WJFK wasn't billing
several million dollars in ad revenues every month, and D&M
were bringing in a significant percentage of that as the top
rated show in the market. Tool.

10/23/2014 15:49:37 - by Scott
I was the guy who called and said "Enough about the Playstation." The other guy talking was a salesman from across the building who had no idea what was happening.I was shocked I got thru and D&M answered. As soon as I hung up I turned the radio back on,but because of the delay they were already calling me back. I went around the corner and watched the salesman talk to them, then the secretary. I went back to my desk to listen and must admit ladies and gentleman that I was sweating bullets. A salesman who listened called from the road and said "That you, been nice working with you." I later found out my boss had heard it coming back from Kansas City. I guess everyone had fun with it, nothing happened to me. I may make an animation of this someday.

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