Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 102400.mp3
10/24/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5215) | comments (3) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 10/24/2000:
1 - 102400.mp3
Tues Oct 24, 2000: Thanks for Nothing, Ken
Won't be going to New York because there's no place to stay
Earthdog Brother Jim might spend the night with a listener
Phoner with Ken Stevens about not going to New York
Trolling for What Would You Eat
Checking on Dennis Murphy's Mexican porn adventure
Highway Love Connection

12/27/2011 12:52:15 - by don and mike lover
this is in the wrong order, right after game 1 of the world series, before they made the diaper bet. so maybe this is 10/15 episode?

12/28/2011 09:07:49 - by mcfadone
I will look into this...

6/17/2012 13:18:55 - by D&M Fan
Given how many of these files are posted, it's
understandable that a couple of them would get mislabeled.
This show is actually from Wednesday, October 18, 2000.

Here's what's included on today's show:

D&M have ROCKED the Spring ratings book, particularly in DC.
Of course, that effort earns NO love from Ken Stevens,
Jeremy Coleman or the radio column guy from the Washington

Don is excited about his upcoming appearance on King of
Queens, and so is the Screen Actor's Guild, since his
expanded part means that he needs to pay SAG a higher dues

Don and Mike establish their Subway Series bet -- Mike is
rooting for the Yankees (heresy!) and Don for the Mets. The
loser has to wear an adult diaper and sit on a commode in
midtown Manhattan for an hour during the live broadcast.

Sports announcer Larry Michael stops by the studio to
promote his new TV venture, "Thunder Box!". Can't imagine
why it wasn't a HUGE it...

Charlie Stossel makes his Wednesday appearance to hear his
prison mail and to review "Bedazzled" and "Pay it Forward."

The Radio Gods track down Frank Aherns, the radio columnist
from the Washington Post to ask him why he won't write about
their great ratings. He's a tool.

Nipple and Anus make a call to a museum in Birmingham,
Alabama, which is inviting visually impaired people to come
by and do a touch tour of one of their large statues.

Oh, and of course Dennis Murphy calls in to tell D&M that
his shopping for his Speedo for the Thursday show and just
*happens* to mention the name and location of the store in
case someone wants to stop by and purchase a tee shirt.

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