Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 101900.mp3
10/19/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5282) | comments (1) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 10/19/2000:
1 - 101900.mp3
Thurs Oct 19, 2000: Groping the Dead
Mr 40 in-studio to tease the Tyson-Golata fight trip
Lisa interviews foreigners at the DMV
Hashing out hotel accommodations for the World Series trip
Hot necrophile action
Earthdog Brother Jim calls in
Dennis Murphy in-studio to test whether he can stay flaccid while watching porn

1/1/2014 11:33:22 - by Ass Hat
Mista 40 continues his meteoric rise from obscurity to Don
and Mike regular as he comes into the studio to discuss his
upcoming trip to Detroit with a random listener. Lisa also
continues her strong start on the show by doing an admirable
job interviewing people who go to the DMV (Department of
Motor Vehicles to you non-DC based fans)with all the friends
and family they can gather. And in a nod to good science, I
believe the question is answered. And to think, all done in
one afternoon and no DOT grant needed to get it done. In a
break sure to ooge-out any but the hardiest, Don wants to
explore any tendencies he may harbor towards necrophilia. In
capping a great day of the show, Lisa stares at Dennis
Murphy's crotch while he watches porn...hey, I told you it
was a great day for science! Eeeeeverybody loves Don and

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