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10/18/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5428) | comments (1) | add comment
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1 - 101800.mp3
Wed Oct 18, 2000: Look What We're Doing with 12-Year Olds!
Great ratings, but no prizes
World series bet: Mike takes the Yankees, Don the Mets
Redskins field announcer screws up
Deon Sanders playing checkers
Larry Michael in-studio to hump his new PPV show Thunderbox
Charlie Stossel
Frank Aherns should write about the ratings
Nipple & Anus (statues for the blind)

10/16/2012 09:08:29 - by D&M Fan
(Note: This is actually the Tuesday, October 24, 2000 show)

There's a great story that plays out over the course of this
show: Don's Earth Dog big-rig driving brother Jim is in
Bath, Maine with his girlfriend to drop off a load at the
local shipyard. Unfortunately, there isn't a truckstop in
Bath, so Jimbo and GF will have to sleep in the truck. This
prompts Don to send out a general solicitation to listeners
in nearby Portland, ME, to ask if anyone would be willing to
open their hearts and homes to James P. Source for the
night. I'm sure this is not the last we'll hear from JPS.

Lots of giveaways in today's show: World Series tickets that
D&M can't use because El Cheapo Ken Stevens neglected to get
them a hotel room in NYC; a trip to Italy for a listener who
is willing to come to the studio and eat something gross;
and a Highway Love Connection with a listener in the D.C.
area to go to the Monday night Redskins game with the Lovely
Erica or the Lovely (High Maintenance) Shannon.

Mr. Forty calls in with a report of his recent trip to
Detroit with a lucky listener to attend the Tyson-Galada
fight. I don't know about you, but I'd LOVE to travel with
Mr. 4-0; he's a real character.

The always disappointing Dennis Murphy calls in from Mexico
where he was SUPPOSED to be in a contest for the guy with
the softest penis during a week-long orgy, but really was
just a free vacation for him. Shocker.

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